Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules

8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: L. Jebron, A. Korneli, P. Samuel, and J. Feldner. (missing L. Depies)

Please review the Parent/Teacher Conferences sign up Windows for conference that will take place at Theisen Middle School on the evenings of February 20 and February 27, 2025. Parents may sign up for conferences through Family Access beginning February 3, 2025 at 8:00 am. The window will close on February 18, 2025 at 10:00 pm. Directions: Log into Skyward Family Access with your log-in and password Click on the "Conferences" tab on the left side of the screen Click on "All Conferences" to see a list of your student's classes Click on "Select a Time" to view the open time slots that the teacher has available Click on "Select" next on the time slot you want to schedule A confirmation screen will appear. If the information looks correct, click on "Save". An automated confirmation email will be sent the email listed To view all of your schedules conferences, click on "View Schedule Times"

7th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: E. Hellmer, M. Arthurs, P. Heuser-Meixner, T. Taylor, and Y. Vazquez

Get the facts on the Fond du Lac School District Referendum.
Visit the Referendum page on our District website to review frequently asked questions, view our referendum information materials, and to understand how the investment impacts you personally by trying our online tax calculator.
Learn More:
Share Thoughts or Questions:
Dr. Jeffrey Fleig, Superintendent
920-929-2900 or referendum2025@fonddulac.k12.wi.us
#FDLSD #FDLSDreferendum25 #WeAreFondy

Hi Tiger Families !
Theisen is having a pizza fundraiser night with Toppers Pizza on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 from 4pm - 9pm. Skip the cooking and enjoy a delicious pizza for dinner and Theisen will receive 20 % of the sales ! Toppers is located at 186 N. Main St. (920-638-4104).

6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: C Hopf, J. Gau, S. Gravelle, V. Narbatovics, and M. Ketchem.

Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules

8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: G. Lese, A. Angle-Reilly, L. Lulloff, and B. Patt (missing Y. Vazquez)

Report cards for semester 1 have been uploaded and are now available for viewing.
Paper copies will be sent home on Thursday, January 30, 2025.

7th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: S. Hageman, C. Gilgenbach, N. Olson, H. Merkel, and L. Hammack.

The current State school funding formula does not allow districts to keep up with the increasing costs associated with funding school operations. If districts need additional funds to support school operations, they must ask taxpayers for approval through an operational referendum.
This scenario is not unique to Fond du Lac. In fact, the majority of Wisconsin school districts currently have active referendums to fund operational needs.
The current budget projection shows a budget shortfall of $7-9 million per year over the next four years. This projection model assumes no new funding support from the State. While we are hopeful the State will provide additional funding to districts, we are forced to plan with the assumption of only having current funds. We are asking taxpayers to support additional funds to support school operations so that the District does not have to make major cuts to staff and programming, that would impact student learning.
Learn More:
Share Thoughts or Questions:
Dr. Jeffrey Fleig, Superintendent
920-929-2900 or referendum2025@fonddulac.k12.wi.us
#FDLSD #FDLSDreferendum25 #WeAreFondy

6th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: C. Baumgardt, T. Saylor, M. Yang, A. Boulter. (Missing W. Peterson)

Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules

Please review the Parent/Teacher Conferences sign up Windows for conference that will take place at Theisen Middle School on the evenings of February 20 and February 27, 2025.
Parents may sign up for conferences through Family Access beginning February 3, 2025 at 8:00 am. The window will close on February 18, 2025 at 10:00 pm.
Log into Skyward Family Access with your log-in and password
Click on the "Conferences" tab on the left side of the screen
Click on "All Conferences" to see a list of your student's classes
Click on "Select a Time" to view the open time slots that the teacher has available
Click on "Select" next on the time slot you want to schedule
A confirmation screen will appear. If the information looks correct, click on "Save". An automated confirmation email will be sent the email listed
To view all of your schedules conferences, click on "View Schedule Times"

8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: I. Vang. F. Mueller, K. Staehler, and D. Fitzpatrick.

The Fond du Lac Board of Education voted unanimously to go to referendum on April 1, 2025, asking taxpayers to authorize the District to exceed the revenue limit for four years for maintaining operations, maintenance expenses and providing for security upgrades in the District.
Over the next few months, the District will share more information about the referendum plan through our District website, social media, local news sources and direct mail. We encourage all residents to reach out with any questions about the referendum.
Learn More:
Share Thoughts or Questions:
Dr. Jeffrey Fleig, Superintendent
920-929-2900 or referendum2025@fonddulac.k12.wi.us
#FDLSD #FDLSDreferendum25 #WeAreFondy

Theisen's Weekly Sports Schedules

8th Grade Theisen Tigers of the Week: Y. Serna-Flores, L. Broten, R. Blagoue, and B. Patt.

One additional 6th Grade Theisen Tiger this week is F. Cardinal.